Monday, February 16, 2009

I've got three hours to kill here at work and I'd like to take this time to talk about an epidemic that I've been noticing more and more lately. What follows will probably end up being more of a rant than a proper essay and please forgive my misspellings and gramatical errors because I am typing this on my phone.

The lack of common curtesy of the general public has become rather aparent to me over the last few weeks. Now to be fair I do notice it more when I am at work, at a theme park, than when I'm out around town but I think it's just because I am at work so much. Whether it is not holding the door for the person behind you, walking directally into someone elses path so as causing them to stop abruptly or trip, not being able to wait your turn in any sort of line, or simply just saying thank you when someone manages to exercise common curtesy towards you. Now I know that people can be busy or having a bad day, but really does it take a lot of time or energy to do any of these things? How much of your time could it take to look behind you to see if someone is walking out a door that you're opening anyway and then hold that door till they walk through? And if you're having a bad day is it really going to make you feel worse to say thank you to someone who just did something nice for you?
So I am calling for a radical change in everyones outlook towards common curtesy. I'm not asking for a lot and it really shouldn't be that hard to do. Just take an extra minute to observe what's going on around you. Maybe if others see you making the effort they will get in line as well. Thank you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm using for the first time to see if it is a viable way to update my blog using my phone.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blink 182 Reuniting

P.S. the fact that AC Slater is doing this interview makes it like 50 times more amazing.