Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last Thursday is a day that has already jumped into my top 5 of best days ever. Here's how it went down:

Rach and I woke up very casually because we both had the day off, and it seems that happens not as frequently as we would like of to, so we took full advantage. Upon fully waking up and getting dressed we headed to the delicious Dunkin Donuts, and as anyone from the northeast will tell you, it was wicked awesome. I know we have Dunkin Donuts brand coffee at home, but it just doesn't compare. Anyway after that tasty put stop we went to Ripley's Believe It Or Not for some touristy type fun, but mostly because it was free to all Sea World employees and guests on that day. We got some sweet pictures of us sitting in obnoxiously large chairs and standing inside insanely large and heavy tires, and capping it all off was a techo fueled walk through a black lit swirling tunnel. Not bad for zero dollars.
Upon returning to the car the day was still very young and Rach made the suggestion to use her free pass and my always free admission to Universal. It was a very nice day so we were worried about there being a lot of people there, and since waiting in line at all, let alone insanely huge lines, is neither of our sting suits you can imagine our hesitation. However it was the middle of the week so we decided to chance it. Good thing we did because the longest line lasted about 10 minutes! This came as a very sharp contradiction to the time last year with Rachel and her Mom where the shortest line lasted about 2 hours!!! So we rode all the roller coasters that we felt necessary and even enjoyed a 6 dollar beer each while waiting to get on Dueling Dragons. We bid Islands of Adventure ado and headed home to rest before our date night dinner.
Now I could probably write a short story describing the awesomeness of our dinner, but I will keep it brief. We ate our romantic dinner at Roy's which, for being a chain restaurant, has better service and food than almost any other place in Orlando. We ate and drank to our hearts content, but only because of a generous gift card from my family and a $20 off card that the restaurant had send me only two days prior, what timing.
This day was by no means crazy, lavish, or exotic which some people might say it has to be to go into a top 5. It was just a very nice day. We did a lot but were never rushed, and because of the for mentioned free passes and gift cards it barely cost us a penny, although it felt like a million bucks.

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