Saturday, January 31, 2009

Two Tongues

This album doesn't come out until Feb. 3rd, but I have had the opportunity to listen to the whole album, it's streaming on their myspace and is also available on some of the torrent networks, and I must say the although this year is barely a month old this record could be one of the best of the year. This record is the epitome of the word collaboration as Max Bemis of Say Anything and Chris Conley of Saves The Day clearly wrote this record together and didn't each just write a few tunes and call it a record. There really is not a dud on the record, but I would have to say that If I Could Make You Do Things and Don't You Want to Come Home are my favorite tracks by far.
I, personally, really couldn't ask for a better collaboration of two minds. I've loved Saves The Day for a very long time (see: my collar bone) and I believe that Max is a lyrical genius. If you get a chance give this record a listen I promise you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

I've been pondering whether or not to post a blog about the happening of today. I woke up this morning under the impression that I definitely would, but as the day progressed and I watched more and more coverage of the events I wasn't sure if my thoughts could at all equal that comments and observations that I had seen and heard already. However, this is my blog and I helped elect this man, so here, my commentary matters.

Rachel and I started off the morning by watching the early events unfold from the comforts of our warm bed. I know you may be thinking that, "Hey you live in Florida, it's always warm there!" You, however, would be wrong. We started out by watching Katie Couric on CBS which was pretty good, but I felt that their commentary and observations were all very boring. After rising and getting delicious cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee, the hot variety because again it was cold, we switch the station to CNN which proved to be much more entertaining. I really enjoyed the speakings of Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper because at least they seemed to really enjoy the proceedings and the fact that they were really a part of history. Also the technology that CNN employed was really fun and exciting. Here's a link to their 3D and 360 degree view of "The Moment" that Obama took over as the 44th president of the United States.

I also wore a special shirt in honor of today. Call me cheesy, call me lame, but this was a incredible moment in U.S. history and it was one of the ways that I could commemorate it.

Here's my shirt

Saturday, January 17, 2009

FOUND Fashion Show

I know it took me a bit to post my real official post, besides that one about why I started this blog in the first place....blah blah blah. Well here it is.

Monday night marked the first real promotional event for FOUND (a vintage shop) and it was held at Tatame Saki Lounge. For those of you who don't know FOUND is the brainchild of my amazing girlfriend, Rachel, and her business partner/best friend Amy. If you havn't figured it out by the title it is a vintage clothing store for both men and women. Now that geneal introductions are out of the way I will revert back to what this post is really about, the fashion show. It was a brisk Monday evening here in Orlando and we no one really knew what kind of crowd was going to come out on a Monday night. Well I must hand it to the Orlando fashion crowd for turning out in droves and making the night a rousisng success. I clearly also have to hand it to Rachel and Amy for working so tirelessly in putting the whole show together.

Here are some photos from the night.

Found will have a working website up, hopefully, by the end of next week. You will be able to shop, hear about promotions and upcoming events, and talk to the FOUND girls themselves. It will be located at So check back often.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I've found that many of the people I used to refer to as best friends when I was younger have started blogs, and I have really enjoyed reading them. I guess I hope they enjoy reading mine, or at least have something to read and compare to the comments that I intend to leave on their respective blogs. If all else fails then I'm hoping that someone in 100 years stumbles upon in and wastes a few hours of their life reading about me.